Have you ever found yourself at a local race in Washington suddenly surrounded by creatures that look human on top, but also resemble a certain Holstein heifer on the bottom? If so, you are either at a barnyard in a dystopian novel, or most likely have met or heard of Blake Slattengren, the Cowgill Collective poster child who just won a golden ticket at the Javelina Jundred. A well-rounded man full of energy and lightheartedness, he will be a delight to watch run his first official 100-mile at Western States this June. Hopefully, he finishes before the cows come home.
Find him on Instagram, Strava & Ultrasignup.

Who are you and what do you do?
My name is Blake Slattengren and I am a trail runner from Seattle. For work I am a manager for a local run shop, Super Jock ‘n Jill in Redmond. It’s a cool little shop, the original store has been around since the 1970s and has so much history. So a lot of my life is centered around running! But I also enjoy a bunch of normal person hobbies like music, cooking, and reading.
Do any of your group chats have names? If so, what are you willing to share?
The only group chat with a name is The Aqua 6, my AmeriCorps crew from last year. We were a restoration crew and were gifted a tube of Aquaphor by some stranger at one of our campsites, but there were six of us, so we became the Aqua 6.
If you could change one thing about your favorite social media platform, what would it be?
Obviously Strava DMs, like c’mon this should have been a thing years ago.
What is a book of fiction that you really enjoyed, for no other reason than you liked it?
My favorite book I’ve read this year is The Book of Form and Emptiness by Ruth Ozeki! It’s the kind of book that I just couldn’t stop thinking about after I finished it. It has so many interesting ideas all wrapped up in a really compelling coming-of-age story.
What is one song you’ve been listening to on repeat recently?
Bloodline by awakebutstillinbed in the airpods (emo forever), or Agora Hills by Doja Cat in the car.
What is one trend that started in 2020 that you love?
People just slowing down and appreciating the beauty in their own backyards. Like I think everyone getting into birding was super sick, not that I’m particularly knowledgeable about birds, but still cool!
What is one trend that started in 2020 that you hate?
Worsened screen and phone addiction.
What are the last three emojis you used?
💃🥰 🤘
What is the last thing you bought online?
A 2024 calendar from a local mountain photographer.
What is your most controversial food opinion?
Cold pizza is not good, like it doesn’t take that long to just heat it up, c’mon.
What three videos are at the top of your YouTube recommended homepage?
Dua Lipa – Houdini (incredible video, I’ve watched it so many times), a running shoe review, and a vegan cooking video.
Which Allie is your favorite?
Aly & AJ
What argument in mass media do you not understand or think is a worthless issue?
The pineapple on pizza debate. It’s not that big a deal. It’s fine.

When you go home for the holidays, what is the food or tradition that it wouldn’t be the holidays without?
Fondue dinner is always the Christmas classic for my family. Also going to the little Bavarian-themed mountain town Leavenworth around New Years is always a big part of our holiday celebration too. It’s such a beautiful place, especially in the winter, and a great place to get a little snow time.
When I say in-seam you say…?
3-5 inches is that sweet spot for me.
When has your ego caused you to do something you sort of regret but also would describe as wild and worth it?
I wish I had a good answer for this one! But nothing is really coming to mind. Is it because I live a boring risk-adverse life? Or just because I live life to the fullest with #noregrets? I’m going to say the latter.
What was your worst running fuel decision? What was the surprising best?
Best – pre-race Taco Bell. Also post-race Taco Bell. Haven’t done the mid-race T Bell yet but I’m sure it would work great.
Worst – Thankfully I haven’t had anything too traumatic happen, probably just forgetting to drink water sometimes and getting dehydrated. Or just underfueling in general and not knowing why I feel so bad.
What is your death row meal?
Khao Soi – I can never pick between curry or noodles as my favorite meal, but something where I can have both? Incredible.
Out and back or looped course?
Both have their merits! But I think I gotta go with the out and back, there’s something pretty cool about facing everyone you’re racing and getting to see a little bit of that journey that everyone is on.
Barkley or 24H track race?
Gotta go with a 24hr track race, I think I could maybe have fun with that. Just get super in the groove and have some sort of experience. But I would for sure get super lost at Barkely, definitely would not make it out of there okay.
When I say PTRA you say?
The Party Rockers Association
What is one thing that absolutely scares you? Why?
I think the ocean is super scary. It’s so big. And swimming is so hard. Being stranded on a boat where you can’t see land anywhere is just about the scariest thing I can think of.
What is a time you felt you didn’t measure up? How did you get through that?
The first thing that comes to mind was struggling with feelings of inadequacy after graduating college, feeling adrift and unable to land a career-type job or match the ambitions of my peers. Like I couldn’t match where I thought I would be a few years out of school, or maybe I had wasted my degree. I got through it by moving to New Zealand, living through the pandemic, and running a whole bunch. Really helps reassess your values and priorities in life lol.
Who is another runner that flies under the radar that we should all get to know?
The Seattle scene if popping off right now! Super stoked to see what Noah Dusseau can do at Black Canyon this year, he is so speedy. Other names to watch next year: my fellow Bean Sprout Michael Tappel, my preschool bestie Daniel Briggs, and my partner Barrett Gray.