
Anthony Lee Wants to Introduce You to Ghee

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Ellie Pell

By: Ellie Pell

Ellie is an equal opportunity DMer with no shame in a cold call. She ran fast once and will remind you that it was before supershoes. Recently she set the FKT from her kitchen table to the fridge. Record pending drug test results.

A note from Freetrail: You know Ellie Pell from the Freetrail Fam Pod, but did you know she has an insatiable need to get to know you, and I mean REALLY get to know you? “You Made it Weird” is Ellie’s brainchild because while she loves that these athletes are mega-talented she also wants to know what ELSE IS THERE?! Look for You Made it Weird every Friday. 

You Made it Weird With Anthony Lee

Anthony Lee is one of my best friends, meaning I can talk some major shit. He thinks UConn lost to Iowa because the ref made the wrong foul call with 3 seconds to go. Listen here sir, as someone who spent 17 years doing my time on the court, I can tell you with 100% certainty – that was a moving screen. Iowa won fair and square, though damn what a sloppy game. Anthony also brings his own Ghee to my restaurant to stir into his coffee like a maniac. IS OUR CREAMER NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU??? One time he used ankle weights on a training run because he saw it on a YouTube video. He invited us all to the Trail Running Film Festival and then bailed without telling anyone. I could go on and on, but honestly this article incriminates him quite well, so read on dear Freetrailer and then we can dox him together.

Find Anthony on Instagram, Strava, and Ultrasignup.

Anthony Lee

Who are you and what do you do?

My name is Anthony Cheuk Yan Lee from Boulder, CO. I am an American born Chinese human-being that has two parents and is the youngest of three children. I am a dog dad to a handsome blue Heeler named Felipe. I am a jack of all trades and master of nothing. I would say I’m a fiercely loyal friend and care deeply for those that are close to me. Currently, I am an entrepreneur. I prenuer at Deuter & Ortovox as a CSR on weekdays. I also model for big corporations that want to pay me lots of money and the rest of the time, I train to be the best at running really short or long distances for a few different brands like Topo Athletic, Paago Works,  Vespa Power, Arc’teryx Colorado, Injinji and The Feed.

Do any of your group chats have names? If so, what are you willing to share? How did they get that name? What is a major topic of discussion in them?

I have too many group chats to name… One is the ‘Boulder Babes’.  Most of them are other athletes in town. We usually talk about what routes we should do or races we’re planning for. Sometimes we get into some gossip like UTMB or dating or sex talk. We also plan potlucks together, but most of the time it’s just trash talking about all the elite runners in Boulder since everyone is “Elite” in town. 

If you could change one thing about your favorite social media platform, what would it be?

Hmm… Strava could be better without all these comparison tools on the mobile app. Instagram/Meta could be better about letting me use music for videos and not say I’m copyrighting if said song is on the app to use. Just dumb.

What is a book of fiction that you really enjoyed, for no other reason than you liked it?

I really like Greek Mythology so some young adult fiction I really enjoyed was the Percy Jackson and the Olympians Series. Also,The Odyessy for all the adventures and folkore.

What is one song you’ve been listening to on repeat recently?

I listen to too many bangers on repeat. My playlist is super eclectic. I guess if I had to say a genre though, it would be Gangsta trap and EDM (untz untz untz).

What is one trend that started in 2020 that you love?

People really took care of themselves by healing their innerchild.

What is one trend that started in 2020 that you hate?

TikTok and thank god I’m not on there. I already have too many social media obligations.

What are the last three emojis you used?


What is the last thing you bought online?

A Palestinian 🇵🇸 Keffiyeh from a Palestinian refugee on Etsy 

What is your most controversial food opinion?

Add Ghee butter or Beef Tallow to everything you eat. Keto is life. Carbs suck and cause inflammation .😜

Ellie Pell and Anthony Lee

What three videos are at the top of your YouTube recommended homepage?

Which Allie is your favorite?

My brother’s wife’s sister is my favorite Ali. Short for Alison.

What argument in mass media do you not understand or think is a worthless issue?

I think an argument on what people eat is a worthless issue to argue with folks about. People will eat what they want to eat and post about it.

When you go home for the holidays, what is the food or tradition that it wouldn’t be the holidays without?

I sadly haven’t gone home to my parents place for the holidays in a few years so when I do go home my dad really loves to cook for me. Usually a good Oxtail soup is what I crave and it’s not a visit without it. I can say that I’ve been going to my girlfriend’s parents house for the holidays and it wouldn’t be the same without some Hallacas which are the traditional Venezuelan tamales or Pan de Jamon or Venezuelan ham bread for all you non Spanish speaking folks out there.

When I say in-seam you say…?

Ice cream? 

When has your ego caused you to do something you sort of regret but also would describe as wild and worth it?

Hmm I don’t think this was worth it but it was wild for sure. I was applying for a job at a hotel in 2017 and at the end of the interview, I was asked if I valeted my car and I said, “I did” but in reality, I hadn’t… Anyways the hotel valet brought out a car and I ended up driving off with a car that wasn’t mine. 

What was your worst running fuel decision? What was the surprising best?

Pasta at 8am right before Run Rabbit Run in 2018 with its Noon start time on a 95 Degree day. The best has been using Vespa and Wasp Extract to become more fat adapted and then eating a pie slice with some pickle brine. 

What is your death row meal?

I think a crunch wrap supreme or 30 soft shell tacos.

Out and back or looped course? Why?

Damn it, I like both. Both have its challenges and qualities I enjoy depending on the course and the vert.

Barkley or 24H track race? Why?

Easy choice: Barkley. I want to hallucinate in the woods with some weird people that like adventure and looking for books while running

When I say PTRA you say? 

Parent Teacher Recreation Association. Idk?

What is one thing that absolutely scares you? Why?

The crippling fear that a niggle won’t ever go away and if I were paralyzed and couldn’t go out and be in the woods. 

Anthony Lee

What is a time you felt you didn’t measure up? How did you get through that?

I think maybe in 2012 after graduating High School and seeing all my friends go to college and I did a gap year instead was when I thought I didn’t measure up like my peers. I did my own thing and went on my own path. I figured out that after a few years, school wasn’t for me and I found my true calling in Ultrarunning. I’m thriving 😁

Who is another runner that flies under the radar that we should all get to know?

Bryan Kerl, Kristina Randrup and Sarah Biehl.

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